1. 麻豆精产国品免费入口V,无码人妻丰满熟妇区毛片蜜桃麻豆,麻豆激情免费视频,国产麻豆MD精品成人


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    SPVD认证是欧盟CE认证下针对简单压力容器的专用指令,最新指令号2014/29/EU,适用于特定的压力容器(欧盟规定的简单压力容器),SPVD全称为Simple pressure vessels Directive,简称SPVD。SPVD指令规定了欧盟对于简单压力容器的技术要求和合规性合格评定程序,是这类容器出口欧盟的强制性产品安全要求,即必须通过欧盟CE认证(SPVD认证),并黏贴CE标识后,才被允许进入欧盟市场。



    乘积≤50                    SEP          /

    50<乘积≤200            CLASS 3    B+C1/C

    200<乘积≤3000        CLASS 2    B+C1/C2

    3000<乘积≤10000     CLASS 1    B+C1

    Module B Design Type: Assessment of the adequacy of the technical design of the vessel through examination of the technical documentation and supporting evidence without examination of a specimen (Applicable only when vessels manufactured according to harmonized standard)

    Module B Production Type: Assessment of the adequacy of the technical design of the vessel through examination of the technical documentation and supporting evidence, plus examination of a prototype, representative of the production evidence of the complete vessel

    One of the below Modules shall be used in addition to Module B for production control :

    Module C, C1 and C2

    1. where the product of PS × V exceeds 3 000 bar.L, to conformity to type (Module B) based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing (Module C1)

    2. where the product of PS × V does not exceed 3 000 bar.L but exceeds 200 bar.L, at the choice of the manufacturer, to either of the following:

        a. conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing (Module C1)

        b. conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel checks at random intervals (Module C2)

    3. where the product of PS × V does not exceed 200 bar.L but exceeds 50 bar L, at the choice of the manufacturer, to either of the following:

        a. conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing (Module C1)

        b. conformity to type based on internal production control (Module C)













    The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and cover, as far as relevant for the assessment, the design, manufacture and operation of the vessel. The technical documentation shall contain, wherever applicable, at least the following elements:

    A general description of the vessel;

    Conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schemes of components, etc.;

    Descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of those drawings and schemes and the operation of the vessel;

    A list of the harmonized standards applied in full or in part, the references of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, and, where those harmonized standards have not been applied, descriptions of the solutions adopted to meet the essential safety requirements of the Directive, including a list of other relevant technical specifications applied. In the event of partly applied harmonized standards, the technical documentation shall specify the parts which have been applied;

    Results of design calculations made, examinations carried out, etc.;

    Test reports;

    The instructions and safety information referred to in point 2 of annex III of the Directive;

    A document describing: The materials selected;

    The welding processes selected;

    The checks selected;

    Any pertinent details as to the vessel design;

    Where applicable, the prototype vessels representative of the production envisaged. The notified body may request further prototype vessels if needed for carrying out the test program;

    The supporting evidence for the adequacy of the technical design solution. When a prototype vessel is examined, the technical documentation shall also include:

    The certificates relating to the suitable qualification of the welding operations and of the welders or welding operators;

    The inspection slip for the materials used in the manufacture of parts and components contributing to the strength of the vessel;

    A report on the examinations and tests performed or a description of the proposed checks. The technical documentation must be kept, by the manufacturer, for a period of 10 years after the vessel has been placed on the market.


    EN 286-1 : Simple pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen part 1 design manufacture and testing

    EN 286-1:设计用于容纳空气或氮气的简单压力容器第1部分设计制造和测试

    EN 286 -2 part 2 : Pressure vessels designed to contain compressed air for air braking and auxiliary systems for motors vehicle and their trailers.

    EN 286 -2第2部分:压力容器,设计用于容纳用于空气制动的压缩空气和用于机动车辆及其拖车的辅助系统。

    EN 286 -3 part 3: Steel pressure vessels designed for air braking equipment and auxiliary pneumatic equipment for railway rolling stock.

    EN 286 -3第3部分:钢制压力容器,设计用于铁路车辆的空气制动设备和辅助气动设备。

    EN 286 -4 part 4: Aluminium alloy pressure vessels designed for air braking equipment and auxiliary pneumatic equipment for railway rolling. 

    EN 286 -4第4部分:铝合金压力容器,设计用于铁路滚动的空气制动设备和辅助气动设备。


    除了属于SEP类别的简单压力容器,其他都需要欧盟公告机构(Notified body)的介入,并且该公告机构拥有SPVD指令2014/29/EU的授权。麻豆精产国品免费入口V是欧盟SPVD认证机构的国产麻豆MD精品成人机构,资深工程师为您解读SPVD认证申请,现场检验由我司机构授权工程师进行,全面实现本土化操作,欢迎咨询:400-016-1080或021-51088618
